Happy Birthday Pauline Kiende!

18th September 2007

On 18th September, 52 years ago someone special was born. Her name Pauline Kiende, now an employee of KEMU Library.

To celebrate these years, the KEMU Human Resource Department prepared a suprise for her. It all started this way...

...the university librarian is called by the HRM and told that a representative wants to meet all the library staff in the librarian staff from five. Mr. Musisi, the University Librarian calls all the Library staff in the office and tells them to wait..... "Just wait for the HRM representative, I don't know how long they will take, it could be five minutes or a whole hour"
Charity, Head Electronic Services begs to live to attend a meeting but she is turned down. She leaves to make a call to inform the meeting convener that she will be late but....

...she comes back in the office laughing followed by a cook and a cake and a HRM representative and...

Happy birthday to you
Happy birth day to you
Happy birthday dear Pauline
Happy birthday to you

How old are you now?
How old are you now?

Everybody fear turned into happiness. We tasted the cake and each relaxed in the knowledge that KEMU HRM cares.
We all celebrated the birthday with style.

Kudos HRM.
Kudos KEMU Library.

Kamau Victor Gitau
KEMU Library