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Information Literacy
10th April 2008

On 5th of April KEMU library (Nairobi campus) in conjunction with the PHD coordinator organized an information literacy course targeted at PHD students. The course that was delivered by Victor Kamau and John Ng’ang’a was an eye opener to many of the students that hitherto straggled a lot with the electronic resources. The course attracted a 71.4% of PHD students; this was great success considering it was the first time the Nairobi Library campus was conducting such a course.

The library is part of Kenya Library and Information Services Consortium (KLISC) that collectively subscribes to online journals through PERI initiative. This makes it possible for the library clients to access millions of peer reviewed journal articles in myriad of subjects. The inadequate skills with the clients have been a handicap preventing them from enjoying this vast information.

The course
The course sought to introduce all the skills an information literate person should have and put more emphasis on literature search. All stages of a literature search were discussed in details from understanding the topic of search, determining keywords/search terms, combination of terms during search and actual search from different databases.

The most interesting part was the hands-on step by step search practical. The participants were exited how they could find so much information on their topic while they applied the skills they got. One student searching for ‘Marketing of Tea in Kenya’ found 417 results, before this she reported that there was no such information on the internet.


28th March 2008

We have several E-Books that are accessible through this blog. These E-books mostly cover the Information Technology subject therefore they will be of more relevant to students in Information technology field i.e. BBIT students.
The E-books are arranged alphabetically by tile and can be accessed by clicking the E-books link on the right side of this blog. You can also access them directly by clicking

A Limitation
Only those accessing this blog from Nairobi campus computers will be able to access the e-books. This is because the E-books are stored on one of the computers that is also acting as a server. All computers without Nairobi campus LAN cannot access the E-books.

The Future
This is only the beginning; we have an ambitious plan to acquire E-books and to make them accessible to all students wherever they are. In the meantime we are previewing, assessing and evaluating the possibility of acquiring access rights of different publishers and distributors of E-books.

We expect the introduction of E-books to harness the use of library materials by all and contribute to better access of information to all our patrons.
Remember for any comment to click on the talk to us link on the right hand side of this blog or

Posted by
Victor G. Kamau